Advanced Cylinder Repair can repair any cylinder, roller, CI drum or blanket segment wheel On-Site and On-Press.
What does this mean? This means we come to you and complete our repairs all without disassembly, which saves you time and more importantly money! Our expert technicians work on-site and repair in sections between press runs, which keeps your presses running and minimizes disruptions to your production schedule!
Our services include, but are not limited to, object damage, corrosion, low areas, score marks, cave-ins, and deep holes. We asses each unit individually and restore by repairing the cylinder, then replating the repaired surfaces to their original finish.
Cost - Partnering Program
Since we are a traveling repair company, we help cut the cost of travel expenses by spreading the expense costs across all the companies we are working with in each area, which helps our customers save money.
Jobs are grouped geographically, so that travel related expenses are minimized, and sometimes even eliminated.
When we say we repair on-press, it means we repair without disassembly! We come to you, assess and repair, all without you needing to take your presses apart, saving you time and money!
ACR is a traveling repair company, which means we have expert technicians all over the country!
We typically group jobs by geographic area to reduce and sometimes eliminate travel expenses.
Quotes and estimates are FREE! We like to do those while we are in the area if we can!
If you have any repairs that you would like quoted before we arrive in town, feel free to contact us, share pictures and receive a NO OBLIGATION quote on any repairs!
After 30 years of business we understand the importance on providing great customer support. ACR has been built on the success of our technicians excellence.
All our techs are trained on new repair developments to continue to build their expertise. Whether that’s investing in product training or ensuring we have the latest equipment, we develop our dedicated techs so that we remain at the forefront of printing press repairs.